This is a list of input/output code to load or save raw data.


Python module for processing the HTML files created by AMARES in jMRUI when saving the fit results for a series of spectra with the ‘publish all’ command.

Developer Ronald Ouwerkerk, NIDDK/NIH, Bethesda MD, USA
Language Python
License BSD-3-Clause
Credit If you would be so kind to acknowledge me as the source of this software when you use it for a publication it will be much appreciated.

MRSHub Code 


A python port of the Matlab mapVBVD tool for reading Siemens Twix files.

Developer William Clarke
Language Python
License MIT
Credit No credit is required for the use of this code.

MRSHub Code  Author Website 


A collection of algorithms and general code tools (GUI, I/O etc.) for use with MRS research.

Developer Brian J. Soher
Language Python
License BSD
Credit BSD license, byproducts of the Vespa Versatile Simulation Pulses and Analysis project for MRS research at

MRSHub Code  Author Website 


A command-line tool for converting MRS and MRSI data from a variety of formats to NIfTI + JSON format.

Developer William Clarke
Language Python
License BSD-3-Clause
Credit Please acknowledge the use of the tool and any creators of the tool.

Author Website